Two homeowners thinking of selling JUST asked me this last week. And I get it. Staging is either a lot of work or a lot of money or BOTH.
You've probably seen staged homes on reality TV and if you've house hunted recently or popped into an open house lately. But have you ever wondered if staging is actually necessary when selling?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ my opinion, it's key. On average, staged homes sell faster and for more money.
But staging doesn't necessarily mean all new furniture and accessories throughout your home.
Sometimes staging is nothing more than a few plants to bring a little life to the place. Sometimes it means removing oversized furniture and decluttering, or updating your yard.

Here are few key staging principles I guide my clients with when they are prepping their home for the market and please reach out to me directly if you need specific tips!